

Traditional KHCONF Service

KHCONF services are available throughout Finland. Three service levels are currently offered. Option 1 allows for ten connections, option 2 allows for 20 connections, and option 3 allow for 30 connections. The monthly cost for option 1 is € 6 per congregation (not per auditorium) per month (+VAT). Option 2 is € 9 per month (+VAT), and option 3 is € 12 per month (+VAT).

The initial invoice is for a period of three months, and thereafter invoices are emailed every three months. However, there is no long-term commitment for subscribers. The service is offered on a month-to-month basis, and you may cancel at any time with no penalty.

The Traditional KHCONF service includes a phone number that can be used to transmit or listen in to the meeting. Subscribers may also choose to use an Internet connection to transmit the meeting, and can listen in using a PC or our Apps. The Traditional service has maximum flexibility for connecting.

Invoices may be paid by bank transfer (SEPA) or via PayPal. If you cancel service, we will refund the unused portion of your payment by SEPA bank transfer.

To order service, click the button below.

Order KHCONF Service