
Order KHCONF Service

This information is needed to provision your service. Please fill in the form completely:
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter the street address of the meeting location.
Please enter the city of the meeting location.
Please enter the number of congregations that you are ordering service for.
Please enter the name of each congregation ordering service at this location:
Please provide the name of the congregation you are ordering service for.
Terms and Conditions
1. By clicking below, I am indicating that I wish to order KHCONF Service for the above congregations. I further indicate that I am authorized to order this service in behalf of the above congregations.

2. This service is offered on a month to month basis. I acknowledge that I will receive invoices to the email address specified above. I agree to pay all invoices by the due date for services rendered until I cancel service, which may be done by sending an email to

3. Lead time for installation is typically two to three days, but can be longer due to factors beyond our control. An installation date cannot be guaranteed, as the lead time is used by the underlying telephone supplier to provision the phone number. If the lead time is unacceptable I may cancel my order by emailing

4. This service is for the use of infirm members of the congregations specified above. I agree not to give out conferencing information to members of other congregations to use. I also agree not to post PINs or other conferencing information on web sites or other public forums. I acknowledge that violation of this agreement will result in the service being disconnected.